“Coursera for Campus” “Technological University Meiktila on Coursera” TU (Meiktila) has joined the #Coursera for Campus program … This is a program that offers over 3,800 free courses online for universities and schools suspended due to Covid-19. Anyone who has an email account with ****@tumeiktila.edu.mm will have access to these online courses … How long will these courses be available? You can enroll until # September 30, 2020 …You will have #free access for at least 2 months from the date of enrollment …Anyone who has a tumeiktila.edu.mm email address can join the following link to get free courses in this program.Click #join for free via the link and those who already have a coursera account via edu mail can log in to #log in and choose the course of their choice. Those who do not have a coursera account can open an account via edu mail via sing up and choose the course of their choice. If you have trouble joining the program yourself … infoforcoursera@tumeiktila.edu.mm or name, roll no., phone no. You can apply by sending email address and tumeiktila.edu.mm ….During Pandemic, students from TU (Meiktila), like many others, try to enjoy #free online courses …We hope that students will have the opportunity to learn and seize the opportunity to make progress.
You can visit and apply at;
# 4 August 2020